
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sackville. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Sackville, Ann 1517 1571 Shelley, Henry  
Sackville, Edward 8 July 1378 1459 Wakehurst, Margaret Sackville, Thomas Dalingruge, Margaret
Sackville, Humphrey 1426 24 January 1488 Browne, Catharina Sackville, Edward Wakehurst, Margaret
Sackville, Joan 1489 1557 Parker, John Sackville, Richard Dyggs, Isabel
Sackville, Margaret 2 July 1614 19 August 1676 Tufton, John Earl van Thanet Sackville, Richard Clifford, Anne
Sackville, Richard 1460 18 July 1523 Dyggs, Isabel Sackville, Humphrey Browne, Catharina
Sackville, Richard 28 March 1589 28 March 1624 Clifford, Anne  
Sackville, Thomas 1342 1432 Dalingruge, Margaret