
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Braybrook. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Braybrook, Gerald 1307 17 March 1359 Dakeney, Elizabeth Braybrook, Gerard I Piccott, Lora
Braybrook, Gerard I 1264 1325 Piccott, Lora Braybrook, John I Weldebof, Joan De
Braybrook, Gerard de 1190     Braybrook, Robert de , Henriette
Braybrook, Henry De 1188 13 April 1234 Ledet, Christiana Braybrook, Robert de , Henriette
Braybrook, John I 1220 1293 Weldebof, Joan De Braybrook, Henry De Ledet, Christiana
Braybrook, John 1259 1326   Braybrook, John I Weldebof, Joan De
Braybrook, Nicola 1386 1411 Chaworth, Thomas Sheriff of Lincoln Braybrook, Reginald Pole, Joan De La
Braybrook, Reginald 1356 1426 Pole, Joan De La Braybrook, Gerald Dakeney, Elizabeth
Braybrook, Robert de 1168 1210 , Henriette Braybrooke, Ingebaldus de Newmarche, Albreda de