
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Rogers. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Rogers, Anne Barbara 2 March 1794 3 October 1852 Albright, Nicholas Rogers, William Capt. McNeeley, Eleanor Ellander
Rogers, Catherine 1541 3 June 1662 Porter, John  
Rogers, Eleanor 1772 1849 Pryor, Luke, Rogers, William Capt. McNeeley, Eleanor Ellander
Rogers, Henry Harrison 13 March 1840 13 March 1926 Rector, Elizabeth Jane, Howell, Sarah Jane  
Rogers, Hiram before 1720   Barrett, Virginia J. Rogers, Hyrum Floyd Sharp
Rogers, Hyrum Floyd     Sharp  
Rogers, Isaac 21 June 1691 5 December 1772 Rawlins, Rebecca Rogers, Thomas Brown, Ruth
Rogers, James Edward Peleg June 1776 February 1852 Wallace, Nancy Carol Rogers, William Capt. McNeeley, Eleanor Ellander
Rogers, Jasper Newton March 1839 12 November 1920 Howell, Silla Maggie  
Rogers, Jennet Jane 1 January 1775 25 April 1843 Holmes, Moses Rogers, William Capt. McNeeley, Eleanor Ellander
Rogers, John 29 April 1667 20 August 1694 Smith, Martha  
Rogers, John 1785 1865 Loy, Elizabeth, Rogers, William Capt. McNeeley, Eleanor Ellander
Rogers, Margaret Ann “Peggy” 1779 1850 Hunter, Robert Jr. Rogers, William Capt. McNeeley, Eleanor Ellander
Rogers, Mary Polly 1766 December 1851 Capps, Cason, Rogers, William Capt. McNeeley, Eleanor Ellander
Rogers, Mary Roxanna “Roxy” Elizabeth 23 July 1868 22 November 1961 Wigley, James Thaddeus Rogers, Thomas Bennett Buckner, Louiza Shell
Rogers, Netty 1778   Rogers, William Capt. McNeeley, Eleanor Ellander
Rogers, Robert 20 February 1682 18 April 1723 Leaver, Lydia, Jewitt, Sarah, Smith, Dorothy  
Rogers, Stephan 20 August 1693 1793 Davis, Mary Rogers, Thomas Brown, Ruth
Rogers, Thomas 9 July 1652 15 October 1735 Brown, Ruth  
Rogers, Thomas Bennett 30 December 1833 1934 Buckner, Louiza Shell  
Rogers, William Capt. 1750 1819 McNeeley, Eleanor Ellander Rogers, Hiram Barrett, Virginia J.
Rogers, William 14 December 1777 25 May 1848 Patton, Janey Rogers, William Capt. McNeeley, Eleanor Ellander
Rogers, [Living]     Burnham, [Living]  
Rogers, [Living]       Rogers, [Living] Burnham, [Living]
Rogers, [Living]       Rogers, [Living] Burnham, [Living]
Rogers, [Living]       Rogers, John Loy, Elizabeth
Rogers, [Living]       Rogers, John Loy, Elizabeth
Rogers, [Living]       Rogers, John Loy, Elizabeth
Rogers, [Living]       Rogers, John Loy, Elizabeth
Rogers, [Living]       Rogers, John Loy, Elizabeth