
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wray. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Wray, Albinia 1641 1704 Betenson, Richard Wray, Christopher Cecil, Albinia
Wray, Cecil 1635 1670 Cressy, Susanna Wray, Christopher Cecil, Albinia
Wray, Christopher 14 May 1601 8 February 1645 Cecil, Albinia  
Wray, Drury 29 July 1633 30 October 1710 Casey, Anne Wray, Christopher Cecil, Albinia
Wray, Edward 1627 23 January 1684   Wray, Christopher Cecil, Albinia
Wray, Frances 1617 18 December 1679 Vane, Henry Wray, Christopher Cecil, Albinia
Wray, Rebecca 1622 1659 Bennett, Robert, Wray, Christopher Cecil, Albinia
Wray, William 17 July 1633 17 October 1669   Wray, Christopher Cecil, Albinia