Anne Arundel, Maryland, United States

Enclosed By
Place Encloses


  1. Cheney, Ruth (0000-00-00 Baptism)
  2. Iiams, William (0000-00-00 Death)
  3. Carroll, Elinor (1632 Birth)
  4. Jones, William (1645)
  5. Family of Jones, William and Planter, Elizabeth Mary (1645)
  6. Planter, Elizabeth Mary (1645)
  7. Gaither, John (1645)
  8. Waters, Mary (1645)
  9. Family of Gaither, John and Waters, Mary (1645)
  10. Jacob, Anne (1647 Birth)
  11. Waters, Mary (20 November 1652 Death)
  12. Gaither, John (20 November 1652 Death)
  13. Howard, Samuel (1658 Death)
  14. Family of Howard, Cornelius and Sisson, Elizabeth Todd (1662)
  15. Sisson, Elizabeth Todd (1662)
  16. Howard, Cornelius (1662)
  17. Wade, Sarah (17 August 1662 Birth)
  18. Ridgely, Henry (19 September 1664)
  19. Howard, Elizabeth (19 September 1664)
  20. Family of Ridgely, Henry and Howard, Elizabeth (19 September 1664)
  21. Family of Ridgely, Henry and Warner, Sarah (1665)
  22. Ridgely, Henry (1665)
  23. Warner, Sarah (1665)
  24. Jones, William (1665)
  25. Planter, Elizabeth Mary (1665)
  26. Family of Jones, William and Planter, Elizabeth Mary (1665)
  27. Clark, Daniel (1666 Birth)
  28. Howard, Sarah (1666 Birth)
  29. Duvall, Samuel (1667 Birth)
  30. Family of Cheney, Richard and Pindell, Eleanor (1668)
  31. Cheney, Richard (1668)
  32. Howard, Sarah (1668 Birth)
  33. Pindell, Eleanor (1668)
  34. Hammond, Mary Katherine (1670 Birth)
  35. Parnell, James (1675 Birth)
  36. Basford, Elizabeth (1675 Birth)
  37. Jones, Anne (1676 Birth)
  38. Iiams, Susanna (1677 Birth)
  39. Beard, Ruth (15 January 1677)
  40. Gaither, John (15 January 1677)
  41. Family of Gaither, John and Beard, Ruth (15 January 1677)
  42. Wade, Sarah (29 July 1678)
  43. Family of Westall, George Jr. and Wade, Sarah (29 July 1678)
  44. Westall, George Jr. (29 July 1678)
  45. Brashears, Elizabeth (1679)
  46. Family of Sellman, John and Brashears, Elizabeth (1679)
  47. Sellman, John (1679)
  48. Duvall, Mareen (1680 Birth)
  49. Phelps, Walter (17 June 1680 Birth)
  50. Howard, Cornelius (15 October 1680 Death)
  51. Jacob, John Sr. (1681)
  52. Family of Jacob, John Sr. and Cheney, Anne (1681)
  53. Benson, Elizabeth (1681)
  54. Phelps, Walter (1681)
  55. Family of Phelps, Walter and Benson, Elizabeth (1681)
  56. Cheney, Anne (1681)
  57. Cheney, Mary (3 August 1681 Birth)
  58. Talbott, Edward (1683)
  59. Family of Howard, Cornelius and Hammond, Mary Katherine (1683)
  60. Family of Talbott, Edward and Thomas, Elizabeth (1683)
  61. Thomas, Elizabeth (1683)
  62. Hammond, Mary Katherine (1683)
  63. Howard, Cornelius (1683)
  64. Cheney, Charity (1683 Death)
  65. Williams, Benjamin (1684 Birth)
  66. Sellman, Margaret (5 July 1684 Birth)
  67. Duvall, John (17 August 1685)
  68. Family of Duvall, John and Jones, Elizabeth (17 August 1685)
  69. Jones, Elizabeth (17 August 1685)
  70. Cheney, Joseph (25 May 1686 Birth)
  71. Brewer, John (20 August 1686 Birth)
  72. Cheney, Elizabeth (25 March 1688 Birth)
  73. Phelps, George (18 May 1689 Birth)
  74. Wilsone, John (1690 Death)
  75. Duvall, Mary (20 February 1690 Birth)
  76. Ridgely, Henry IV (2 October 1690 Birth)
  77. O'Dell, Thomas (April 1691)
  78. Ridgely, Sarah (April 1691)
  79. Family of O'Dell, Thomas and Ridgely, Sarah (April 1691)
  80. Sewell, Henry (29 September 1691 Death)
  81. Talbott, Edward (6 January 1692 Death)
  82. Odell, Henry (15 April 1694 Birth)
  83. Cheney, Samuel (25 September 1694 Birth)
  84. Cobby, Dorothy (1695 Birth)
  85. Chickey, James (29 January 1696)
  86. Family of Chickey, James and Cheney, Sarah (29 January 1696)
  87. Cheney, Sarah (29 January 1696)
  88. Howard, Philip (18 November 1696 Death)
  89. Gassoway, Thomas (6 February 1697 Birth)
  90. Cheney, Hannah (8 May 1697 Birth)
  91. Fowler, Elizabeth (13 June 1697 Birth)
  92. Woodward, Amos (1698 Birth)
  93. Cheney, Hannah (1698 Death)
  94. Ridgely, Henry III (19 March 1699 Death)
  95. Stockett, Thomas (9 April 1699)
  96. Family of Stockett, Thomas and Welsh, Damaris (9 April 1699)
  97. Welsh, Damaris (9 April 1699)
  98. Howard, Sarah (1700 Death)
  99. Obrien, Honor Osborn Or (1701 Death)
  100. Lawrence, Lucy Talbot (10 February 1701)
  101. Belt, John Jr. (10 February 1701)
  102. Family of Belt, John Jr. and Lawrence, Lucy Talbot (10 February 1701)
  103. Norwood, Andrew (1 March 1701 Death)
  104. Wade, Sarah (17 March 1701 Death)
  105. Jones, Anne (15 July 1701)
  106. Cheney, Charles (15 July 1701)
  107. Family of Cheney, Charles and Jones, Anne (15 July 1701)
  108. Cheney, Katherine (1 October 1701)
  109. Parnell, James (1 October 1701)
  110. Family of Parnell, James and Cheney, Katherine (1 October 1701)
  111. Parnell, James (November 1701 Death)
  112. Jacob, Thomas (1702 Birth)
  113. Browne, Robert (18 June 1702)
  114. Cheney, Katherine (18 June 1702)
  115. Family of Browne, Robert and Cheney, Katherine (18 June 1702)
  116. Odell, Elizabeth (13 September 1702 Death)
  117. Cheney, Mary (1 December 1702)
  118. Family of Phelps, Walter and Cheney, Mary (1 December 1702)
  119. Phelps, Walter (1 December 1702)
  120. Greenberry, Katherine (29 December 1703 Death)
  121. Beadle, Mary Williams (20 January 1704)
  122. Cheney, John (20 January 1704)
  123. Family of Cheney, John and Beadle, Mary Williams (20 January 1704)
  124. Cheney, John (5 December 1704 Death)
  125. Clagett, Richard (1705)
  126. Family of Clagett, Richard and Dorsey, Deborah (1705)
  127. Dorsey, Deborah (1705)
  128. Cheney, Moses (20 March 1705 Birth)
  129. Ridgely, Charles (30 April 1705 Death)
  130. Hopkins, Mary Ann (9 August 1705)
  131. Wells, Thomas (9 August 1705)
  132. Family of Wells, Thomas and Hopkins, Mary Ann (9 August 1705)
  133. Williams, Joseph (1706 Birth)
  134. Benson, Elizabeth (1706 Death)
  135. Iiams, Richard (16 January 1706)
  136. Cheney, Anne (16 January 1706)
  137. Family of Iiams, Richard and Cheney, Anne (16 January 1706)
  138. Family of Phelps, William and Cheney, Elizabeth (8 August 1706)
  139. Cheney, Elizabeth (8 August 1706)
  140. Phelps, William (8 August 1706)
  141. Iiams, Charity (1707 Birth)
  142. Waters, Mary (11 May 1707)
  143. Talbott, John (11 May 1707)
  144. Family of Talbott, John and Waters, Mary (11 May 1707)
  145. Nicholson, John (23 December 1708)
  146. Iiams, Hester (23 December 1708)
  147. Family of Nicholson, John and Iiams, Hester (23 December 1708)
  148. Duvall, Mary (9 February 1709 Birth)
  149. Family of Gaither, Benjamin and Burgess, Sarah Maria Chew (8 September 1709)
  150. Gaither, Benjamin (8 September 1709)
  151. Burgess, Sarah Maria Chew (8 September 1709)
  152. Duvall, Mary (1710 Death)
  153. Howard, Elizabeth (1710 Death)
  154. Iiams, Elizabeth (1710 Death)
  155. Belt, Lucy (1711 Birth)
  156. Williams, Mary (22 February 1711 Birth)
  157. Duvall, John (20 April 1711 Death)
  158. Westhall, George (23 October 1711)
  159. Family of Westhall, George and Jacob, Anne (23 October 1711)
  160. Jacob, Anne (23 October 1711)
  161. Williams, Benjamin (16 August 1713 Birth)
  162. Fowler, Thomas (8 January 1714 Death)
  163. Planter, Elizabeth Mary (1716 Death)
  164. Tomczak, Mary (1716 Death)
  165. Burgess, Samuel Chew (3 April 1716)
  166. Family of Burgess, Samuel Chew and Fowler, Elizabeth (3 April 1716)
  167. Fowler, Elizabeth (3 April 1716)
  168. Howard, Susannah (25 June 1716 Birth)
  169. Hopper, Susannah (26 June 1716)
  170. Family of Cheney, Thomas and Hopper, Susannah (26 June 1716)
  171. Cheney, Thomas (26 June 1716)
  172. Iiams, Susanna (8 November 1716 Death)
  173. Radial, Mary (2 January 1717 Death)
  174. Basil, Rose (2 January 1717)
  175. Phelps, Walter (2 January 1717)
  176. Family of Phelps, Walter and Basil, Rose (2 January 1717)
  177. Howard, Cornelius (23 February 1717 Death)
  178. Iiams, Elizabeth Lizzie (28 July 1717 Birth)
  179. Iiams, George (1718 Birth)
  180. Brewer, Joseph (23 December 1718 Death)
  181. Phelps, Walter (1719 Death)
  182. Cheney, Rachel (1719 Birth)
  183. Cobby, Dorothy (1720 Death)
  184. Iiams, Anne (1720 Birth)
  185. Hall, William (26 June 1720 Baptism)
  186. Waring, Sarah Haddock (11 April 1721 Birth)
  187. Warfield, Elizabeth (2 October 1722)
  188. Family of Ridgely, Henry IV and Warfield, Elizabeth (2 October 1722)
  189. Ridgely, Henry IV (2 October 1722)
  190. Phelps, Charles (19 December 1723)
  191. Family of Phelps, Charles and Stephens, Susanna (19 December 1723)
  192. Stephens, Susanna (19 December 1723)
  193. Cheney, Lewis (6 April 1724 Birth)
  194. Cheney, Ann (22 August 1724 Birth)
  195. Cheney, Ann (24 August 1724 Death)
  196. Cheney, Richard (1725 Birth)
  197. Welsh, Damaris (1725 Death)
  198. Talbott, John (1725 Death)
  199. Howard, Sarah (21 December 1726 Death)
  200. Hilleary, Thomas Jr. (9 November 1727 Death)
  201. Dorsey, Achsah (3 April 1728)
  202. Woodward, Amos (3 April 1728)
  203. Family of Woodward, Amos and Dorsey, Achsah (3 April 1728)
  204. Iiams, Mary (4 August 1728 Birth)
  205. Family of Poole, Richard and Phelps, Mary (24 February 1730)
  206. Poole, Richard (24 February 1730)
  207. Phelps, Mary (24 February 1730)
  208. Brewer, John (30 May 1730 Death)
  209. Hilleary, Sarah (8 October 1730)
  210. Macgill, James (8 October 1730)
  211. Family of Macgill, James and Hilleary, Sarah (8 October 1730)
  212. Williams, Benjamin (1 November 1732 Death)
  213. Stockett, Thomas (8 December 1732 Death)
  214. Cheney, Samuel (1733 Death)
  215. Cheney, Susannah (17 December 1733)
  216. Family of Shoemaker, Conrad and Cheney, Susannah (17 December 1733)
  217. Shoemaker, Conrad (17 December 1733)
  218. , Rachel (19 August 1734 Death)
  219. Ridgely, Elizabeth (8 December 1734 Death)
  220. Family of Odell, William and Talbot, Elizabeth (1736)
  221. Talbot, Elizabeth (1736)
  222. Odell, William (1736)
  223. Young, Samuel (7 July 1736 Death)
  224. Waring, Sarah Haddock (3 March 1738)
  225. Family of Duckett, John and Waring, Sarah Haddock (3 March 1738)
  226. Duckett, John (3 March 1738)
  227. Ijams, Elizabeth (11 May 1738 Death)
  228. Gaither, John (20 June 1739 Death)
  229. Jacob, Zachariah (1740)
  230. Family of Jacob, Zachariah and Howard, Susannah (1740)
  231. , Elizabeth (1740 Birth)
  232. Howard, Susannah (1740)
  233. Jacob, John Jr. (12 May 1740 Death)
  234. Dorsey, Achsah (1741 Death)
  235. Gaither, Benjamin (26 March 1741 Death)
  236. Duckett, Rebecca (1742 Birth)
  237. Burgess, Samuel Chew (23 January 1743 Death)
  238. Family of Cheney, Thomas and Wells, Anne (1745)
  239. Howard, Joseph (1745)
  240. Wells, Anne (1745)
  241. Williams, Margaret (1745)
  242. Norris, Mary (1745 Death)
  243. Cheney, Thomas (1745)
  244. Family of Howard, Joseph and Williams, Margaret (1745)
  245. Donaldson, Mary (16 February 1745)
  246. Family of Cheney, Lewis and Donaldson, Mary (16 February 1745)
  247. Cheney, Lewis (16 February 1745)
  248. Gaither, Richard (October 1745 Birth)
  249. Phelps, William (1748 Death)
  250. Maroney, Henry (1749)
  251. Duvall, Rachel (1749)
  252. Family of Maroney, Henry and Duvall, Rachel (1749)
  253. Jacob, Joseph (1 April 1749 Birth)
  254. Cheney, Richard (24 April 1750 Death)
  255. Duvall, Susannah (1752 Death)
  256. West, Stephen (11 January 1752 Death)
  257. Hall, Martha (8 April 1752 Death)
  258. Lingan, Martha (8 April 1752 Death)
  259. Hall, William (1755 Birth)
  260. Lansdale, Elizabeth (1756 Death)
  261. Hall, Henry (18 May 1756 Death)
  262. Metcalf, John (1757 Death)
  263. Duckett, Martha (29 June 1759 Birth)
  264. Mills, John (1760 Birth)
  265. Gaither, Richard (1760)
  266. Jacob, Sarah (1760)
  267. Family of Gaither, Richard and Jacob, Sarah (1760)
  268. Greenberry, Lucy (1760 Birth)
  269. Jacob, Zachariah (December 1761 Death)
  270. Plummer, Elizabeth (1762 Death)
  271. Williams, Margaret (1762 Death)
  272. Sellman, Margaret (27 February 1762 Death)
  273. Hampton, Catherine Gill (1763 Birth)
  274. Jacob, Ruth (1763 Birth)
  275. Jacob, John (1764 Birth)
  276. Cheney, Charles (1764 Death)
  277. Cheney, John (4 September 1764 Death)
  278. Donaldson, Mary (1765 Death)
  279. Family of GAITHER, BENJAMIN and Jacob, Rachel (1768)
  280. Jacob, Rachel (1768)
  281. GAITHER, BENJAMIN (1768)
  282. Jacob, Benjamin (1770 Death)
  283. Duvall, Elizabeth (22 November 1770 Death)
  284. Jacob, Jemima (1772 Birth)
  285. Jones, Elizabeth (1773 Death)
  286. Howard, Susannah (1773 Death)
  287. Jacob, Joseph (June 1773 Death)
  288. Poole, Richard (1778 Residence)
  289. Jacob, Richard (25 June 1779 Death)
  290. Phelps, Walter (1780 Death)
  291. Iiams, Anne (11 May 1780 Death)
  292. Sprigg, Elizabeth (November 1781 Death)
  293. Family of Hall, William and Duckett, Martha (6 April 1782)
  294. Duckett, Martha (6 April 1782)
  295. Hall, William (6 April 1782)
  296. Iiams, John (1783 Death)
  297. Fowler, Elizabeth (26 September 1787 Death)
  298. Iiams, Thomas Sgt. (1790 Residence)
  299. Hampton, Thomas Gill (1790 Residence)
  300. Brewer, John (1790 Residence)
  301. Iiams, John (1790 Residence)
  302. Jacob, Joseph (1790 Residence)
  303. Jacobs, Joseph (1790 Residence)
  304. Hilleary, Sarah (1790 Residence)
  305. Hall, John (14 April 1790 Death)
  306. Iams, Nancy (10 March 1792 Birth)
  307. Iiams, Plummer (26 November 1792 Death)
  308. , Elizabeth (1795 Death)
  309. Jacob, Joseph (1810 Residence)
  310. Jacobs, Joseph (1810 Residence)