Cliquot, Polk County, Missouri

Latitude 37°41'38.00"N
Longitude 93°28'38.97"W
Enclosed By
Place Encloses


  1. Flint, Mary Eleanor (0000-00-00 Burial)
  2. Ashlock, William John Franklin (0000-00-00 Burial)
  3. Parrott, Mary Mae (0000-00-00 Burial)
  4. Butler, Rebecca Ann (0000-00-00 Residence)
  5. Forgey, Grace Leota (0000-00-00 Burial)
  6. Troyer, Francis Marion (0000-00-00 Burial)
  7. Ashlock, James Thomas (0000-00-00 Residence)
  8. Crawford, Mary Francis (0000-00-00 Burial)
  9. Jones, William (0000-00-00 Burial)
  10. Skaggs, James Daniel (0000-00-00 Residence)
  11. Forgey, Jessie May (0000-00-00 Burial)
  12. Mead, Joanna Frances Fanny (0000-00-00 Burial)
  13. Rinck, Robert Lester (0000-00-00 Residence)
  14. Ashlock, Cordelia (917 Burial)
  15. Holmes, William David (1867 Burial)
  16. Noblitt, Christina Elizabeth (11 June 1872 Birth)
  17. Forgey, John Henry (1886 Burial)
  18. Butler, George M. (1888 Burial)
  19. Holmes, Matilda Elizabeth (1892 Burial)
  20. Butler, Charles Sidney (1895 Burial)
  21. Smith, James Ira (19 November 1896)
  22. Family of Smith, James Ira and Ashlock, Orlena (19 November 1896)
  23. Ashlock, Orlena (19 November 1896)
  24. Ashlock, Thomas H. (1901 Burial)
  25. Hopper, Eliza Leotia (1902 Burial)
  26. Hopper, Eliza Leotia (24 November 1902 Death)
  27. Holmes, Luke Prier (1904 Burial)
  28. Forgey, Mary Fidelia (1914 Burial)
  29. Ashlock, Cordelia (29 December 1917 Death)
  30. Forgey, Homer Conway (1919 Burial)
  31. Butler, Leah Ellender (26 January 1919 Death)
  32. Forgey, Sarah Elizabeth (12 January 1921 Death)
  33. Butler, John Thomas (28 May 1921 Burial)
  34. Hahn, Julius Charles (2 February 1925 Death)
  35. Forgey, John Thomas (1935 Burial)
  36. Womack, Harriet Lucretia (1939 Burial)
  37. Watkins, James T. (1960 Burial)
  38. Pickering, Margaret Isabell (1961 Burial)