Calvert, Maryland, United States
Enclosed By |
Place Encloses |
Young, Anne
Bowen, Charles
Family of Bowen, Charles and Young, Anne
Young, William
(0000-00-00 Birth)
Kent, Henry
(1625 Birth)
Young, Richard
(1627 Birth)
Hodgkins, Mary
(1628 Birth)
Braithwaite, Margaret
(1631 Birth)
Young, Samuel
(1631 Birth)
Richford, Mary
Brashears, Benjamin Benois
Family of Brashears, Benjamin Benois and Richford, Mary
Kidd, Margaret
(1645 Birth)
KEENE, Edward
(1650 Birth)
Rousey, Elizabeth
(1652 Birth)
Hodgkins, Mary
Family of Keene, Richard and Hodgkins, Mary
Keene, Richard
(1653 Arrival)
Bussey, Edward
(1655 Birth)
Keene, Sarah
(1655 Birth)
Sprigg, John
(1657 Birth)
Hopewell, Mary
(1657 Birth)
Wadsworth, William
(1658 Birth)
Family of Wilsone, James and Kidd, Margaret
Kidd, Margaret
Wilson, James
(1660 Birth)
Head, William
(1660 Birth)
Wilsone, James
Brashears, Elizabeth
(1660 Birth)
Claggett, Elizabeth
(1662 Birth)
Hilleary, Elizabeth
(1662 Birth)
Richford, Mary
(25 May 1663 Death)
Wilson, Joseph
(1665 Birth)
Lyles, Robert
(1665 Birth)
Wilson, John
(1667 Birth)
Family of Sprigg, Thomas Col. and Nuthall, Eleanor
(July 1668)
Nuthall, Eleanor
(July 1668)
Sprigg, Thomas Col.
(July 1668)
Young, Anne
(1669 Birth)
Abbott, Jane
(1670 Birth)
Young, William
(1671 Birth)
Young, Benjamin
(1671 Birth)
Keene, Anne
(April 1672 Death)
Keene, Henry
(1 April 1672 Death)
Wilsone, James
(May 1672 Death)
Keene, Edward
(1673 Death)
Bussey, Henry
(1674 Death)
Kent, Henry
Young, Henry
(1674 Birth)
Family of Kent, Henry and Brasseur, Martha
Brasseur, Martha
Young, John
(1675 Birth)
KEENE, Edward
(19 October 1675 Death)
Parker, Thomasine
(24 December 1675 Death)
Bigger, Ann
(1676 Birth)
Young, William
(13 August 1676 Death)
Young, Francis
(1677 Birth)
Hawkins, Elizabeth
(25 July 1677 Death)
Young, Sarah
(1679 Birth)
Young, Mary
(1683 Birth)
Hilleary, Thomas
Family of Hilleary, Thomas and Sprigg, Eleanor
Sprigg, Eleanor
Bowen, Charles
(1684 Birth)
Young, Grace
(1685 Birth)
Nuthall, James
(28 April 1685 Death)
Lyles, Robert
Hilleary, Thomas
(1686 Birth)
Hilleary, Elizabeth
Family of Lyles, Robert and Hilleary, Elizabeth
Bowen, Isaac
(1686 Birth)
Magruder, Samuel
(1687 Birth)
Young, Eleanor
(1687 Birth)
Lyles, Robert
(1687 Birth)
Bowen, Abraham
(1688 Birth)
Greenfield, Martha
(1688 Birth)
Wilson, Joseph
Family of Wilson, Joseph and Hillary, Frances
Hillary, Frances
Williams, Baruch
(1691 Birth)
Wilson, Thomas
(5 October 1691 Birth)
Masters, Robert
(1693 Birth)
Kidd, William
(April 1693 Death)
Bussey, George
(3 April 1693 Death)
Veitch, James
(12 June 1693 Death)
Veitch, Thomas
(12 June 1693 Death)
Bigger, Ann
Family of Head, William and Bigger, Ann
Crabb, Ralph
(1695 Birth)
Veatch, John
(1695 Birth)
Head, William
Masters, Grace
(1695 Birth)
Wilson, Josiah
(1696 Birth)
Wilson, Frances
(2 April 1697 Birth)
Bussey, George
(1698 Death)
Boteler, Edward II
Lingan, Anne
Family of Boteler, Edward II and Lingan, Anne
Kent, William
(1700 Birth)
Keene, Richard
(1700 Death)
Bowen, Jacob James
(1700 Birth)
Sprigg, John
(16 March 1700 Death)
Kent, Priscilla
(1701 Birth)
Kent, Grace
(1702 Birth)
Bowen, David
(1702 Birth)
Hedger, Mary
(8 April 1703)
Family of Boyce, Roger and Hedger, Mary
(8 April 1703)
Boyce, Roger
(8 April 1703)
Hall, Joseph
(1704 Death)
Lyles, Robert
(9 October 1705 Death)
Weaver, Ann
(1707 Birth)
Young, Eleanor
(17 November 1707)
Hilleary, Thomas
(17 November 1707)
Family of Hilleary, Thomas and Young, Eleanor
(17 November 1707)
Hilleary, Thomas Jr.
(1708 Birth)
Boteler, Martha
(1708 Birth)
Rousey, Elizabeth
(31 May 1709)
Young, George
(31 May 1709)
Family of Young, George and Rousey, Elizabeth
(31 May 1709)
Boteler, Edward
(1710 Birth)
Veitch, William
(1711 Death)
Wadsworth, William
(March 1711 Death)
Wadsworth, William
(March 1711 Death)
Claggett, Elizabeth
(7 July 1711 Death)
Hall, Elisha
(1712 Birth)
Lingan, Priscilla
(1712 Birth)
Lingan, Martha
(1713 Birth)
Wilson, Joseph
(1716 Death)
Young, Benjamin
(1718 Death)
Boteler, Edward
(1718 Death)
Young, George
(7 June 1718 Death)
Young, George
(7 June 1718 Death)
Wadsworth, Mary
(28 July 1718 Death)
Veatch, James
(26 March 1719)
Family of Veatch, James and Beall, Rachel
(26 March 1719)
Beall, Rachel
(26 March 1719)
Wilson, John
(1720 Death)
Young, Anne
(1720 Death)
Wheeler, Robert
(17 June 1724 Death)
Hilleary, Elizabeth
(1727 Death)
Kent, William
(1727 Death)
Lingan, Martha
Lyles, Robert
(1733 Death)
Hall, Elisha
Family of Hall, Elisha and Lingan, Martha
Hillary, Frances
(1735 Death)
Arnold, Rebecca
(1745 Birth)
Young, Sarah
(13 October 1747 Death)
Wells, Anne
(1753 Death)
Wells, Joseph
(27 May 1758 Death)
Bowen, Abraham
(10 April 1762 Death)
Wilson, James
(May 1762 Death)
Cockshutt, Martha
(1774 Death)
Cheney, Thomas
(1800 Death)
Nuthall, Priscilla
(1800 Death)
Chaney, William F.
(1810 Residence)
Bowen, Charles
(23 August 1927 Death)