Family of Hilleary, Thomas and Sprigg, Eleanor


Married Husband Hilleary, Thomas ( * 1640 + 15 March 1697 )
Married Wife Sprigg, Eleanor ( * 1669 + 9 February 1728 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1684 Calvert, Maryland, United States   1a 2a 3 2b
Name Birth Date Death Date
Hillary, Verlinda
Hillary, Tabitha
Hillary, Frances16851735
Hilleary, Thomas168614 February 1728

Source References

  1. Yates Publishing: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
  2. Colonial Families of the USA, 1607-1775
      • Colonial Families of the USA, 1607-1775
      • Colonial Families of the USA, 1607-1775
  3. Edmund West, comp.: Family Data Collection - Marriages