Family of Hall, Richard and Morris, Sarah A.


Married Husband Hall, Richard ( * 2 July 1788 + 8 January 1846 )
Married Wife Morris, Sarah A. ( * 13 October 1787 + 24 October 1869 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1809 Greenville, South Carolina, United States    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Hall, Mary Elizabeth24 November 181018 September 1846
Hall, William18121844
Hall, Mary Elizabeth7 June 18139 January 1847
Hall, Washington E.February 181518 February 1847
Hall, Harriett E.17 October 181715 September 1848
Hall, Sarah Frances “Fanny”18 October 182122 October 1869
Hall, R. H.18221837
Hall, Frances18231869
Hall, Jane Lavinia1826March 1857