Family of Normandy, Richard of I The Fearless and Crepon, Gunnar de


Married Husband Normandy, Richard of I The Fearless ( * 28 August 933 + 20 November 996 )
Married Wife Crepon, Gunnar de ( * 936 + 4 January 1031 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 962 Fécamp, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Clare, Geoffroy Godfrey Brionne de9531015
Normandy, Muriella De9701020
Normandy, Richard de II King of England97228 August 1026
Normandy, Robert of II Archbishop of Rouen9751037
Saint Clair, Mauger De9801047
Normandy de Brittany, Hawise Hedwig de98121 February 1034
Normandy, William of Count of Eu9854 January 1038
Normandy, Emma of Queen of England23 June 9856 March 1052
Normandy, Matilda Maud De10051017
Normandy, Papia de10111075