Family of Montgomery, James Price and Butler, Mary Ida


Married Husband Montgomery, James Price ( * 27 September 1862 + 23 June 1944 )
Married Wife Butler, Mary Ida ( * 22 December 1872 + 4 July 1951 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 17 May 1888 Polk County, Missouri   1a 2a 2b 1b
Name Birth Date Death Date
Montgomery, William Earl12 February 188915 May 1963
Montgomery, Hattie May19 May 189128 July 1944
Montgomery, Ada Maud24 September 189315 May 1972
Montgomery, Nannie Leverne18 February 189527 June 1956
Montgomery, John Malcolm14 March 189724 March 1980
Montgomery, James Christmas25 December 189816 November 1967
Montgomery, Edgar Gerome14 October 189910 October 1973

Source References

  1. 1900 United States Federal Census
  2. Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
      • Page: Missouri State Archives; Jefferson City, MO, USA; Missouri Marriage Records [Microfilm]
      • Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002