Family of Gutekunst, Gottfried and Zinser, Katharina Barbara


Married Husband Gutekunst, Gottfried ( * 12 April 1795 + 16 January 1840 )
Married Wife Zinser, Katharina Barbara ( * 12 December 1792 + 12 September 1865 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 30 May 1820 Nagold, Calw, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Gutekunst, Anna Maria23 June 18218 October 1821
Gutekunst, Wilhelm20 May 182324 June 1893
Gutekunst, Siegfried3 September 18258 April 1891
Gutekunst, Rosina26 January 182919 May 1829
Gutekunst, Michael3 September 183029 April 1831
Gutekunst, Barbara10 March 183210 May 1900
Gutekunst, Gottlieb3 August 18328 April 1874