Family of Cranford, Clentis Glenwood and Montgomery, Katherine Louise


Married Husband Cranford, Clentis Glenwood ( * 4 April 1922 + 23 May 1987 )
Married Wife Montgomery, Katherine Louise ( * 26 May 1920 + 8 January 1987 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 25 November 1940 Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Cranford, [Living]
Cranford, [Living]
Cranford, Patsy Sue20 May 194112 December 2013
Cranford, Glenda Louise19 October 194212 August 1987
Cranford, Deloris Ann3 February 19449 December 1996
Cranford, Donna Gail30 August 19529 July 2011