Family of Gutekunst, Wilhelm and Schwitzler, Katharina


Married Husband Gutekunst, Wilhelm ( * 20 May 1823 + 24 June 1893 )
Married Wife Schwitzler, Katharina ( * 13 August 1826 + 23 November 1869 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 29 May 1855 Nagold, Calw, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Gutekunst, Eva Barbara27 November 1855
Gutekunst, Anna Maria2 January 18574 February 1857
Gutekunst, Bernhard17 May 18582 July 1858
Gutekunst, Johann Wilhelm20 May 1859
Gutekunst “Goodrich”, Gottfried “Fred”13 March 1862