Date | 1681 |
Place | Anne Arundel, Maryland, United States |
Source References
Edmund West, comp.: Family Data Collection - Individual Records
- Page: Birth year: 1661; Birth city: Anne Arundel Co; Birth state: MD.
Source text:
Birth date: 1661
Birth place: Anne Arundel Co, MD
Death date: April 1730
Death place: All Hallows, Anne Arundel Co, MD
Marriage date: 1681
Marriage place: - Citation:
- Page: Birth year: 1660; Birth city: Anne Arundel; Birth state: MD.
Source text:
Birth date: 1660
Birth place: Anne Arundel, MD
Death date: 29 April 1730
Death place: Anne Arundel Co, MD
Marriage date: 1681
Marriage place: Anne Arundel Co, MD - Citation:
- Page: Birth year: 1654; Birth city: Anne Arundel; Birth state: MD.
Source text:
Birth date: 1654
Birth place: Anne Arundel, MD
Death date: April 1730
Death place: Anne Arundel, MD
Marriage date: 1681
Marriage place: Anne Arundel, MD - Citation:
Yates Publishing: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
- Page: Source number: 24057.007; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 7; Submitter Code: .
Source text:
Birth date: 1661
Birth place: MD
Marriage date: 1681
Marriage place: MD - Citation:
- Page: Source number: 2409.047; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: .
Source text:
Birth date: 1632
Birth place: EN
Marriage date: 1632
Marriage place: MD - Citation:
- Page: Source number: 8830.726; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: .
Source text:
Birth date: 1661
Birth place: MD
Marriage date: 1674
Marriage place: MD - Citation:
- Page: Source number: 2409.047; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: .
Source text:
Birth date: 1661
Birth place: MD
Marriage date: 1632
Marriage place: MD - Citation:
- Page: Source number: 8830.726; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: .
Source text:
Birth date: 1632
Birth place:
Marriage date: 1674
Marriage place: MD - Citation:
- Page: Source number: 24057.007; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 7; Submitter Code: .
Source text:
Birth date: 1632
Birth place: EN
Marriage date: 1681
Marriage place: MD - Citation:
- Page: Source number: 24035.003; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 4; Submitter Code: .
Source text:
Birth date: 1629
Birth place: EN
Marriage date: 1681
Marriage place: MD - Citation:
- Page: Source number: 2409.036; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: .
Source text:
Birth date: 1661
Birth place: MD
Marriage date: 1681
Marriage place: MD - Citation:
- Page: Source number: 24058.002; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 3; Submitter Code: .
Source text:
Birth date: 1632
Birth place: EN
Marriage date:
Marriage place: of MD - Citation:
- Colonial Families of the USA, 1607-1775