
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Somery. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Somery, Joan De 1232 1282 Strange, John Le IV Somery, Roger de D'Aubigny, Nicole
Somery, John de 1125 1195 Paynel, Hawise Somery., Stephen Roger De Essex, Christina de
Somery, Nicholas de 1222 4 July 1229   Somery, William Perceval de Verdun, Rohese de
Somery, Roger de 1208 26 August 1273 de Chaucombe, Amabil, D'Aubigny, Nicole Somery., Ralph De FitzGilbert., Margaret
Somery, William Perceval de 1180 20 June 1222 Verdun, Rohese de