This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Somery. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Somery, Joan De | 1232 | 1282 | Strange, John Le IV | Somery, Roger de D'Aubigny, Nicole |
Somery, John de | 1125 | 1195 | Paynel, Hawise | Somery., Stephen Roger De Essex, Christina de |
Somery, Nicholas de | 1222 | 4 July 1229 | Somery, William Perceval de Verdun, Rohese de | |
Somery, Roger de | 1208 | 26 August 1273 | de Chaucombe, Amabil, D'Aubigny, Nicole | Somery., Ralph De FitzGilbert., Margaret |
Somery, William Perceval de | 1180 | 20 June 1222 | Verdun, Rohese de |