
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Rodabaugh. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Rodabaugh, Adam 1788 1863 Pitsenbarger, Anna Catherine Rodabaugh, Christopher Klingensmith, Regina Barbara
Rodabaugh, Christopher 1750 1799 Klingensmith, Regina Barbara  
Rodabaugh, Daniel 9 June 1870 17 February 1940 , Della, BUNTING, Lettie M. Rodabaugh, Solomon Burk, Tryphena
Rodabaugh, Elias F. 1858     Rodabaugh, Solomon Burk, Tryphena
Rodabaugh, Elijah Ananais 3 January 1850 11 February 1938 Searls, Evaline Eugenia “Jennie” Rodabaugh, Solomon Burk, Tryphena
Rodabaugh, Isaac P. 10 May 1855 16 February 1917 , Alice, DAVIS, Permina S. Rodabaugh, Solomon Burk, Tryphena
Rodabaugh, Mary Jane 1868     Rodabaugh, Solomon Burk, Tryphena
Rodabaugh, Phoebe Anna 18 September 1877 15 October 1970 Ewers, Eugene E. Rodabaugh, Elijah Ananais Searls, Evaline Eugenia "Jennie"
Rodabaugh, Solomon February 1824 1907 Burk, Tryphena Rodabaugh, Adam Pitsenbarger, Anna Catherine
Rodabaugh, William T. 1854 1854   Rodabaugh, Solomon Burk, Tryphena