
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wolcott. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Wolcott, Clementine 28 August 1784 16 March 1846 Van Note, James  
Wolcott, Edmund 1447     Wolcott, Roger Lloyd, Margaret
Wolcott, Grace Mabel 25 April 1886 1963 Rodebaugh, Jesse Frank  
Wolcott, Jane 1427   Rees, David Ap Wolcott, John Cornwall, Margaret Matilda
Wolcott, John 1281 1382 Lloyd, Alice  
Wolcott, John 1316 1383 Wolcott, John Lloyd, Alice
Wolcott, John 1386 1455 Cornwall, Margaret Matilda Walcott, John Herley, Julian
Wolcott, John 1449   Wolcott, Roger Lloyd, Margaret
Wolcott, Roger 1425 15 February 1469 Lloyd, Margaret Wolcott, John Cornwall, Margaret Matilda
Wolcott, Thomas 1342 1405 Downes, Edith Wolcott, John
Wolcott, William 1450 19 September 1501 Sperry, Joan Wolcott, Roger Lloyd, Margaret