
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Downing. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Downing, Geoffrey 17 March 1524 26 June 1564 Wingfield, Elizabeth  
Downing, George 1552 3 October 1611 Bellamy, Dorcas, Downing, Geoffrey Wingfield, Elizabeth
Downing, George 24 October 1685 10 June 1749   Downing, George Thomas Cecil, Catherine
Downing, George Thomas 1656 22 July 1684 Cecil, Catherine  
Downing, Isabella Wales 12 March 1692 8 June 1742   Downing, George Thomas Cecil, Catherine
Downing, James 1686 1686   Downing, George Thomas Cecil, Catherine
Downing, Jennie April 1848 14 April 1901 Hilderbrand, [Living], Colston, Lovelady, Goodhue, James Melvin  
Downing, John 3 October 1610   Downing, Geoffrey Wingfield, Elizabeth
Downing, Lily     Morris, Elmer  
Downing, Louisa Jane 11 October 1846 2 May 1933 Wright, William Thompson  
Downing, William 1554     Downing, Geoffrey Wingfield, Elizabeth