
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Olafsson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Olafsson, Cyrid about 905 13 November 1002 Bluetooth, Harald Gudrodsson, Olaf
Olafsson, Godred 1131 November 1187 MacLochlainn, Findguala  
Olafsson, Gyrid 1000   Bjornsson, Olaf II Thrandsdotter, Anna Ingeborg Björnsson
Olafsson, Halfdan 704 750 Eysteinsdatter, Asa Ingjaldsson, Olaf The Woodcutter Halfdansdatter, Solveig
Olafsson, Styrbjorn The Strong   Bjornsson, Olaf II Thrandsdotter, Anna Ingeborg Björnsson
Olafsson, Thorstein Eyvindsdatter, Thurid