This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Marshall. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Partner |
Parents |
Marshall, Alice
1215 |
1271 |
Carew, William
Marshall, Elizabeth
1854 |
Marshall, Joseph
Neal, Mary
Marshall, Eve
1206 |
1246 |
Braose, William De “Black Will”
Marshall, George Howard
4 August 1865 |
Zinke, Sophia Magadaline
Marshall, Hannah
between 1800 and 1810 |
Masters, William
Marshall, Isabel
9 October 1200 |
17 January 1240 |
Clare, Gilbert De,
Plantagenet, Richard De Cornwall,
Clare, Gilbert De
Marshall, William Pembroke
Clare, Isabel De
Marshall, Jane Virginia
18 October 1830 |
29 March 1865 |
Hoylman, John Jordan
Marshall, Joseph
McCollum, Mary
Marshall, Joseph
1802 |
before 1880 |
McCollum, Mary,
Neal, Mary
Marshall, Joseph William
31 May 1852 |
1 September 1927 |
Marshall, Joseph
Neal, Mary
Marshall, Margaret
1570 |
10 September 1642 |
Wardwell, Lascelle
Marshall, William
Jackson, Margaret
Marshall, Mary
1738 |
1810 |
Purnell, Thomas
Marshall, Mary Letitia
19 November 1861 |
8 January 1949 |
Marshall, Joseph
Neal, Mary
Marshall, Mary M
Green, Andrew Jackson
Marshall, Nancy V
1851 |
Marshall, Joseph
Neal, Mary
Marshall, Rachel
Outten, Matthew
Marshall, Rachel
about 1725 |
about 1780 |
Scofield, John
Marshall, Sara
20 May 1721 |
6 May 1816 |
Durrett, Richard
Marshall, Sarah L
1856 |
Marshall, Joseph
Neal, Mary
Marshall, Sibyl
1209 |
27 April 1245 |
Ferrers, William De III
Marshall, Sibyl
1210 |
Saye, William de III
Marshall, William
1550 |
Jackson, Margaret
Marshall, William E.
7 March 1865 |
11 January 1938 |
Hudson, Mary Canzady “Molly”
Marshall, William Pembroke
12 May 1146 |
14 May 1219 |
Clare, Isabel De