
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Matson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Matson, Anthony 1652 3 October 1699   Matson, Nils Enrichsdr, Margareta
Matson, Catherine 1718 1 May 1731   Matson, John Gregory, Margaret Catherine
Matson, Daniel 1709 1758 Williams, Amy Matson, John Gregory, Margaret Catherine
Matson, Hannah 1 May 1710 25 October 1812 Davies, Charles Neely Matson, John Gregory, Margaret Catherine
Matson, Johann Nils 1652 1701 , Marguerite Matson, Nils Enrichsdr, Margareta
Matson, John 1686 15 July 1753 Gregory, Margaret Catherine Matson, Johann Nils , Marguerite
Matson, John 1721 1 March 1748   Matson, John Gregory, Margaret Catherine
Matson, Mathias 12 February 1595 14 December 1629 Ersdotter, Anna Kajsa  
Matson, Mathias 1653   Matson, Nils Enrichsdr, Margareta
Matson, Morris 1716 3 June 1776 Hill, Margaret, Cloud, Mary, Matson, John Gregory, Margaret Catherine
Matson, Nils 1626 March 1701 Enrichsdr, Margareta Matson, Mathias Ersdotter, Anna Kajsa
Matson, Peter 1712 17 March 1778 Ely, Ann Matson, John Gregory, Margaret Catherine