
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Baxter. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Baxter, Anna 21 September 1844 21 May 1930 Moore, Samuel  
Baxter, Artie Ray “Jerry” 26 May 1925 8 January 1993 Naylor, Norma Claire  
Baxter, Clarence Ringland 12 January 1899 24 June 1967   Baxter, John R. Carter, Fannie Ann
Baxter, Ellis Clair 26 December 1872 23 March 1905 Farnsley, Mildred  
Baxter, John R. 19 July 1868 17 March 1942 Carter, Fannie Ann  
Baxter, Nettie Viola 4 April 1875 22 July 1947 Crow, Ulyssis Grant