
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Almy. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Almy, Annis 26 February 1626 17 May 1709   Almy, William Barlowe, Elizabeth Audrey
Almy, Catherine 1636 25 March 1688 West, Bartholomew, Brown, Nicholas Almy, William Barlowe, Elizabeth Audrey
Almy, Christopher 1576 4 October 1624 Clarke, Joan Anne  
Almy, Christopher 1632 30 January 1713   Almy, William Barlowe, Elizabeth Audrey
Almy, Job 1639 1684   Almy, William Barlowe, Elizabeth Audrey
Almy, John 1637 1 October 1676   Almy, William Barlowe, Elizabeth Audrey
Almy, William 1601 28 February 1677 Barlowe, Elizabeth Audrey Almy, Christopher Clarke, Joan Anne