This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Almy. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Almy, Annis | 26 February 1626 | 17 May 1709 | Almy, William Barlowe, Elizabeth Audrey | |
Almy, Catherine | 1636 | 25 March 1688 | West, Bartholomew, Brown, Nicholas | Almy, William Barlowe, Elizabeth Audrey |
Almy, Christopher | 1576 | 4 October 1624 | Clarke, Joan Anne | |
Almy, Christopher | 1632 | 30 January 1713 | Almy, William Barlowe, Elizabeth Audrey | |
Almy, Job | 1639 | 1684 | Almy, William Barlowe, Elizabeth Audrey | |
Almy, John | 1637 | 1 October 1676 | Almy, William Barlowe, Elizabeth Audrey | |
Almy, William | 1601 | 28 February 1677 | Barlowe, Elizabeth Audrey | Almy, Christopher Clarke, Joan Anne |