
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Beaufort. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Beaufort, Edmund 1406 22 May 1455   Beaufort, John de 1st Earl of Somerset Holland, Margaret of Kent "Duchess Of Clarence" Countess of Somerset Marchioness of Dorset
Beaufort, Henry Cardinal 1375 11 April 1447 Fitz Alan, Alice  
Beaufort, Jane de 1391 19 October 1479 Stradling, Edward de Beaufort, Hendrik Stuart, Alice Fitz-Alan
Beaufort, Joan 1404 15 June 1445 Stewart, James Baron Of Innermeath“Black Knight of Lorn”, Stewart, James King of Scotland Beaufort, John de 1st Earl of Somerset Holland, Margaret of Kent "Duchess Of Clarence" Countess of Somerset Marchioness of Dorset
Beaufort, John March 1404 27 May 1444   Beaufort, John de 1st Earl of Somerset Holland, Margaret of Kent "Duchess Of Clarence" Countess of Somerset Marchioness of Dorset
Beaufort, John de 1st Earl of Somerset 29 January 1372 16 March 1410 Holland, Margaret of Kent “Duchess Of Clarence” Countess of Somerset Marchioness of Dorset Gaunt, John of Duke of Lancaster Roet, Katherine de
Beaufort, Margaret 1409 November 1449   Beaufort, John de 1st Earl of Somerset Holland, Margaret of Kent "Duchess Of Clarence" Countess of Somerset Marchioness of Dorset
Beaufort, Margaret 31 May 1443 5 July 1509 Stanley, Thomas  
Beaufort, Thomas 1405 October 1431   Beaufort, John de 1st Earl of Somerset Holland, Margaret of Kent "Duchess Of Clarence" Countess of Somerset Marchioness of Dorset