
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Scotland. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Scotland, Ada de 1312 Home, John  
Scotland, Alexander I Fierce 1077 23 April 1124   Caenmore, Malcolm III Atheling, Margaret Queen of Scotland Saint
Scotland, Alexander of II 24 August 1198 8 July 1249 Plantagenet, Joan, Atholl, Isabella  
Scotland, Claricia       Scotland, David of I Saint Huntingdon, Matilda of
Scotland, David of I Saint 1080 24 May 1153 Huntingdon, Matilda of Caenmore, Malcolm III Atheling, Margaret Queen of Scotland Saint
Scotland, Hodierna       Scotland, David of I Saint Huntingdon, Matilda of
Scotland, Isabel of 1165 before 1240 Ros, Robert de 4th Baron of Hamlake Dunkeld, William I King of Scotland Avenal, Isabel
Scotland, Joan 1280 1337 Douglas, James  
Scotland, Malcolm 26 March 1031 13 November 1093 Atheling England Scotland, Saint Margaret  
Scotland, Malcolm 1113     Scotland, David of I Saint Huntingdon, Matilda of
Scotland, Margaret de 1193 1253 Burgh, Hubert De Beaumont, Ermengarde de
Scotland, Thorda Donada de 25 November 1034 Mormaer of Moray, Findlaech MacKenneth of Scotland, Malcolm II King of Scots Hlodversdatter Orkney, Hvarflad Svanlaug