
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Gaither. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Gaither 1700 1734 Wells, Sarah  
Gaither, Alexander   Wells, Sarah  
Gaither, Alexander 1679 1732 Wells, Sarah  
Gaither, Amos 1710   Wells, Elizabeth  
Gaither, Benjamin 26 February 1682 26 March 1741 Burgess, Sarah Maria Chew Gaither, John Beard, Ruth
Gaither, Edward 28 September 1689 2 January 1740 Sellman, Margaret, , Rachel, Duvall, Mary Gaither, John Beard, Ruth
Gaither, Elizabeth 1772 Iiams, Richard, Grifith, Orlando Gaither, John Duvall, Elizabeth
Gaither, Elizabeth 1649     Gaither, John Waters, Mary
Gaither, Jeremiah 9 September 1762 15 August 1815 Lovelace, Eleanor, Summers, Priscilla, Claggett, Ann Gaither, John Beard, Ruth
Gaither, John 5 March 1625 20 November 1652 Waters, Mary Gater, John
Gaither, John 1646 12 November 1702 Beard, Ruth Gaither, John Waters, Mary
Gaither, John 15 January 1678 20 June 1739 Duvall, Elizabeth, Buck, Jane Gaither, John Beard, Ruth
Gaither, John 1740 1809 Jacob, Anne  
Gaither, Rachel 1 June 1718 1781 Jacob, Jeremiah Gaither, Edward , Rachel
Gaither, Richard October 1745 1825 Jacob, Sarah  
Gaither, Ruth Morely 6 September 1679 9 January 1728 Warfield, John Gaither, John Beard, Ruth
Gaither, Susannah 22 June 1697 1717 Gassoway, Thomas Gaither, John Beard, Ruth
Gaither, William 5 February 1601 1658   Gater, William Lindridge, Thomasina