
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Fitch. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Fitch, Alice 1659 1741 Adams, William Rev.  
Fitch, Gail Robert 3 May 1929 27 November 1988   Fitch, Loren Daniel Reid, Alice Evelyn
Fitch, Howard Aaron 16 February 1915 22 March 1994   Fitch, Loren Daniel Reid, Alice Evelyn
Fitch, Loren Daniel 5 July 1890 13 September 1975 Crockett, Clara Mae, Reid, Alice Evelyn  
Fitch, Merle Everett 11 January 1918 November 1976   Fitch, Loren Daniel Reid, Alice Evelyn
Fitch, Susan Hovey 1909 2001 Karr, Day Payne