
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hussey. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hussey, Edmund about 1335 1361 , Joanna Hussey, Reginald DAubigny, Alianora
Hussey, Henry 1130 1165 Mead, Margaret de Huse, Godfreyd
Hussey, Joan 1350 21 March 1412 Hungerford, Thomas Hussey, Edmund , Joanna
Hussey, Mary 1255 1315 Sidney, Henry Hussey, Ralph Beauchamp, Isabel De
Hussey, Ralph 1165 1283 Warwick, Evelyn De Hussey, Henry Mead, Margaret de
Hussey, Ralph 1229 April 1283 Beauchamp, Isabel De Hussey, William Verdun, Bartholomew De
Hussey, Reginald 1309 1337 DAubigny, Alianora  
Hussey, William 1197 1313 Verdun, Bartholomew De Hussey, Ralph Warwick, Evelyn De