
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Conkin. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Conkin, Bertha Ola 30 September 1891 13 June 1961 Aldrich, David B. Henegar, Otta Olivia
Conkin, Howard Lee 15 April 1916 12 December 1988 Grable, Galena Juanita Conkin, Ray Tecumseh Crow, Gertrude C.
Conkin, Osceola 13 January 1871 23 September 1895 Henegar, Otta Olivia  
Conkin, Ray Tecumseh 19 March 1894 5 February 1936 Hawkins, [Living], Crow, Gertrude C. Conkin, Osceola Henegar, Otta Olivia