
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Willis. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Willis, Annie E. 9 February 1875 31 January 1942 Cloud, Clarence C.  
Willis, David     King, Deborah Ann  
Willis, Della 1 June 1875 17 March 1961 Weaver, John Coen  
Willis, Elkanah 29 May 1639 12 December 1711 Hill, Mercy  
Willis, James Larkin 20 May 1800 6 October 1858 Stapleton, Sarah Elizabeth Willis, Larkin Reese, Mary
Willis, Jane 1653 1687 Kidd, Thomas  
Willis, Larkin 3 August 1777 5 January 1859 Reese, Mary, Sizemore, Elizabeth  
Willis, Mary Ann 27 November 1830 21 June 1887 Brown, Iredell Campbell Rev. Willis, Larkin Sizemore, Elizabeth
Willis, Roger 1640 10 December 1701 Hill, Ruth  
Willis, Solomon 17 September 1813 April 1860 Jones, Mary Willis, Larkin Reese, Mary
Willis, Wilson W. 5 September 1821 11 May 1903 Mitchell, Nancy Willis, Larkin Sizemore, Elizabeth