
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Bowyer. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Bowyer, Cecil 1 June 1684 5 December 1720   Bowyer, William Cecil, Frances
Bowyer, Diana 1670     Bowyer, William Cecil, Frances
Bowyer, Luster L about 1884 1955 Karr, Sarah Artella  
Bowyer, Nola 1908     Bowyer, Luster L Karr, Sarah Artella
Bowyer, William 29 June 1612 2 October 1679 Weld, Margaret  
Bowyer, William 1644 13 February 1722 Cecil, Frances Bowyer, William Weld, Margaret
Bowyer, [Living]       Bowyer, Luster L Karr, Sarah Artella
Bowyer, [Living]       Bowyer, Luster L Karr, Sarah Artella