This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Basset. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Basset, Alan de I Sheriff of Rutland Baron van Wycomb | 1155 | October 1233 | Gai, Aline De | Bassett, Thomas Justice Itinerant for King Henry II Baron Basset ofHedington and Wallingford Sheriff of Oxfordshire Dunstanville, Alice de Wiltshire de Lady of Castle Combe |
Basset, Alice | 1280 | 1329 | Inge, John | |
Basset, Aline (Aliva) de | 1183 | after 1224 | Talbot, Richard, Monte Acuto, Drue de | Basset, Alan de I Sheriff of Rutland Baron van Wycomb Gai, Aline De |
Basset, Mary Hill | 1639 | 12 September 1715 | Hill, Jonathan | |
Basset, Maud | 1235 | 17 March 1335 | Heriz, William |