
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Gould. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Gould, Abigail 1704     Gould, John Osborne, Martha
Gould, Henrietta 5 October 1860 30 January 1952 Jackson, Harry  
Gould, John 1675 July 1729 Osborne, Martha  
Gould, John 2 September 1708 4 October 1766 Woodruff, Abigail, Gould, John Osborne, Martha
Gould, Martha 16 June 1712 25 August 1807   Gould, John Osborne, Martha
Gould, Mary 24 June 1661 1714 Jones, Joseph Gould, NATHANIEL Putnam, ELIZABETH
Gould, Mary 1715     Gould, John Osborne, Martha
Gould, NATHANIEL 1614 12 December 1692 Putnam, ELIZABETH  
Gould, Robert 17 January 1705 20 July 1779 van Duin, Geertje Gould, John Osborne, Martha
Gould, Sarah 16 June 1712 Parmalee, Thomas Gould, John Osborne, Martha
Gould, Thomas 5 December 1717 17 February 1815 Baldwin, Mehetable Cobb Gould, John Osborne, Martha
Gould, William 1690     Frazee, William Osborne, Martha