
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Italy. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Italy, Adele 1005 Ventimiglia, Conrad II  
Italy, Bernard De Bayeux 797 17 April 818 Cunegonde, Kunigunda Carloman, Pepin Toulouse De Gellone, Bertha De Italy De
Italy, Guiditta of about 1000 1054 Saluzzo, Anselmo II Marquis di  
Italy, Irmengard about 855 before 2 April 897 Provence, Boson Boso II Count of Vienne King of Italy Duc  
Italy, Rosele or Rozala D'Ivrea of 945 26 January 1003 Hildeburg, Arnulf