
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Thornhill. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Thornhill, Ada Alberta 12 April 1899 29 August 1994 Roddy, [Living] Thornhill, John "James" Marion Riley, Phoebe Ann
Thornhill, Frank A. 1912     Thornhill, Thomas Allen Presley, Roxie Sylvania
Thornhill, Henry Hobart 6 August 1896 15 December 1975 Hill, Mary E. Thornhill, John "James" Marion Riley, Phoebe Ann
Thornhill, John “James” Marion 16 July 1861 27 March 1931 Riley, Phoebe Ann Thornhill, Joseph Marion Crow, Sarah A.
Thornhill, Joseph Marion 1829 Crow, Sarah A.  
Thornhill, Mary Alice 21 January 1884 17 January 1949 Free, Morgan Noah Thornhill, John "James" Marion Riley, Phoebe Ann
Thornhill, Minnie B. November 1893 31 May 1967 Thornell, [Living] Thornhill, John "James" Marion Riley, Phoebe Ann
Thornhill, Murtis “Myrtle” 25 April 1902 8 December 1999 Hendricks, [Living] Thornhill, John "James" Marion Riley, Phoebe Ann
Thornhill, Rachel J. 1849     Thornhill, Joseph Marion Crow, Sarah A.
Thornhill, Sarah E. April 1888     Thornhill, John "James" Marion Riley, Phoebe Ann
Thornhill, Thomas Allen 4 June 1865 8 January 1936 Presley, Roxie Sylvania Thornhill, Joseph Marion Crow, Sarah A.
Thornhill, Thomas Luther Sr 9 December 1886 31 May 1958 McCall, [Living] Thornhill, John "James" Marion Riley, Phoebe Ann
Thornhill, William Marion 29 July 1890 29 July 1919   Thornhill, John "James" Marion Riley, Phoebe Ann
Thornhill, [Living]       Thornhill, Thomas Allen Presley, Roxie Sylvania
Thornhill, [Living]       Thornhill, Joseph Marion Crow, Sarah A.
Thornhill, [Living]       Thornhill, Joseph Marion Crow, Sarah A.