
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wardwell. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Wardwell, Benjamin 6 February 1639 11 November 1678   Wardwell, Thomas Woodroffe, Elizabeth
Wardwell, Lascelle 1566 1605 Marshall, Margaret Wardwell, William Lascelle, Meribe
Wardwell, Martha August 1637     Wardwell, Thomas Woodroffe, Elizabeth
Wardwell, Samuel 16 May 1643 22 September 1692   Wardwell, Thomas Woodroffe, Elizabeth
Wardwell, Thomas 31 January 1603 10 December 1646 Woodroffe, Elizabeth Wardwell, Lascelle Marshall, Margaret
Wardwell, William 1540 1585 Lascelle, Meribe  
Wardwell, William about 1604 2 May 1693   Wardwell, Lascelle Marshall, Margaret