
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Claggett. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Claggett, Ann 8 July 1768 8 August 1833 Gaither, Jeremiah  
Claggett, Anne 1569     Clagett, Richard Godden, Margaret
Claggett, Elizabeth 1662 7 July 1711 Wadsworth, William  
Claggett, Elizabeth 1662 7 July 1711 Wadsworth, William Clagett, Thomas Nutter, Mary
Claggett, Elizabeth 1708 1767 Prather, Thomas M. Sprigg, Clagett, Thomas Keene, Mary
Claggett, Flora February 1883 Terrell, John James  
Claggett, George 1681     Clagett, Thomas Nutter, Mary