
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Colbrand. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Colbrand 1490  
Colbrand, Anne 1574 26 June 1613 Clagett, George Colbrand, Thomas Myndge, Catherine
Colbrand, Elizabeth 9 April 1546 about 1627   Colbrand, John Hill, Joan
Colbrand, Elizabeth 1576     Colbrand, Thomas Myndge, Catherine
Colbrand, John 1510 23 June 1557 Hill, Joan Colbrand
Colbrand, John 1579 1580   Colbrand, Thomas Myndge, Catherine
Colbrand, Thomas September 1545 26 April 1622 Myndge, Catherine Colbrand, John Hill, Joan
Colbrand, Thomas 1577 13 January 1631   Colbrand, Thomas Myndge, Catherine