
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Cobham. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Cobham, Henry 1 October 1200 1 March 1230 Cobham, Serlo De
Cobham, Henry 1260 25 August 1339 Morville, Maud Cobham, John De Septvans, Joan
Cobham, Joan De 1342 8 August 1388 Pole, John De La Cobham, John De Courtenay, Margaret
Cobham, John 6 August 1286 25 February 1354 Beauchamp, Joan Cobham, Henry Morville, Maud
Cobham, John De 1220 1252 Neville, Joan, Fitz Benedict, Maud Cobham, Henry
Cobham, John De 25 December 1240 30 March 1300 Septvans, Joan Cobham, John De Fitz Benedict, Maud
Cobham, John De 1321 10 January 1408 Courtenay, Margaret Cobham, John Beauchamp, Joan
Cobham, Serlo De 1157 1187