This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Cobham. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Cobham, Henry | 1 October 1200 | 1 March 1230 | Cobham, Serlo De | |
Cobham, Henry | 1260 | 25 August 1339 | Morville, Maud | Cobham, John De Septvans, Joan |
Cobham, Joan De | 1342 | 8 August 1388 | Pole, John De La | Cobham, John De Courtenay, Margaret |
Cobham, John | 6 August 1286 | 25 February 1354 | Beauchamp, Joan | Cobham, Henry Morville, Maud |
Cobham, John De | 1220 | 1252 | Neville, Joan, Fitz Benedict, Maud | Cobham, Henry |
Cobham, John De | 25 December 1240 | 30 March 1300 | Septvans, Joan | Cobham, John De Fitz Benedict, Maud |
Cobham, John De | 1321 | 10 January 1408 | Courtenay, Margaret | Cobham, John Beauchamp, Joan |
Cobham, Serlo De | 1157 | 1187 |