
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Pearce. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Pearce, Allen Ulysses 1844 12 June 1872 Walsworth, Catherine Elizabeth  
Pearce, Catherine 1580 17 October 1675 Cornish, Henry  
Pearce, George Wright 18 October 1848 16 January 1888 Walsworth, Mary Frances  
Pearce, Grace 1585 Neale, Raphael Pearce, Richard Coney, Marguerite
Pearce, Jeremiah 1729 24 September 1793 Brouwer, Deborah  
Pearce, John after 1573     Pearce, Richard Coney, Marguerite
Pearce, John 1658 1701 Sprigg, Sarah, Pearse, John , Sarah
Pearce, Judith   Smithson Pearce, Richard Coney, Marguerite
Pearce, Richard 1500 1605 Percy Percy, Peter James, Annah
Pearce, Richard 1553 13 July 1641 Coney, Marguerite Pearce, Richard Percy
Pearce, Sarah 1677 28 November 1761 Beall, James William Pearce, John Sprigg, Sarah