
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Swindle. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Swindle, Cecil Belton 11 November 1904 29 September 1960 , Velma Swindle, Jesse Eli Cranford, Celia
Swindle, Ella Mae 10 May 1887 9 December 1918 Atkins, Girdus Newton  
Swindle, Jesse Eli 1874 16 March 1910 Cranford, Celia  
Swindle, John O. 2 November 1898 30 October 1985 Cook, Elsie Swindle, Jesse Eli Cranford, Celia
Swindle, Wilburn 16 December 1901 25 January 1987 Guthrie, Hattie Swindle, Jesse Eli Cranford, Celia