
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hillary. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hillary, Elizabeth 1329 1350 Planches, William, Planches, William Hillary, Roger Chief Justice Sutton, Katherine Margaret (de Dudley)
Hillary, Frances 1685 1735 Wilson, Joseph Hilleary, Thomas Sprigg, Eleanor
Hillary, Roger Chief Justice October 1305 27 June 1357 Sutton, Katherine Margaret (de Dudley) Hillary, William Bereford, Agnes
Hillary, Roger de 1220 1273 , Felicia  
Hillary, Tabitha       Hilleary, Thomas Sprigg, Eleanor
Hillary, Verlinda       Hilleary, Thomas Sprigg, Eleanor
Hillary, William 1280 June 1357 Bereford, Agnes Hillary, William de Finnis, Katherine
Hillary, William de 1250 1327 Finnis, Katherine Hillary, Roger de , Felicia