
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Stradling. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Stradling, Edward   Gage, Agnes  
Stradling, Edward 1300 1363 Strongbow, Eleanor Stradling, Peter Hawey, Joan de
Stradling, Edward 1330 1394 Berkerolles, Wenilian Stradling, Edward Strongbow, Eleanor
Stradling, Edward 1389 5 May 1453 Beaufort, Jane de Stradling, William St. Barbe, Isabel
Stradling, Grysogona 1534 1571 Porter, Anthony  
Stradling, Henry (Harry) 1423 31 August 1476 Herbert, Elizabeth Verchow Stradling, Edward Beaufort, Jane de
Stradling, John 1230 1293 Grandison, de  
Stradling, Mary 1478 1555 ap Nycholls or ap Nichol, John Stradling, Thomas Edward Mathew Thomas, Jenet
Stradling, Peter 1260 1314 , Maud, Hawey, Joan de Stradling, John Grandison, de
Stradling, Thomas Edward 1455 8 September 1480 Mathew Thomas, Jenet Stradling, Henry (Harry) Herbert, Elizabeth Verchow
Stradling, William 1360 1407 St. Barbe, Isabel Stradling, Edward Berkerolles, Wenilian