
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Jewett. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Jewett, Hannah 7 October 1651 16 March 1731 Plummer, Joseph Jr. Jewett, John Cummings, Elizabeth
Jewett, Hannah 19 August 1662 1722 Swan, Richard  
Jewett, John 24 November 1639 21 October 1709 Cummings, Elizabeth  
Jewett, Joseph Ensign 1 February 1654 29 October 1735 Lawes, Rebecca  
Jewett, Priscilla 9 August 1687 13 April 1777 Boynton, Hilkiah, Jewett, Stephen Cornet  
Jewett, Stephen Cornet 23 February 1683 14 January 1771 Trask, Sarah, Leaver, Lydia, Jewett, Priscilla