This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sanford. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Sanford, Alice de | 1 January 1230 | 9 September 1312 | Vere, Robert de 5th Earl of Oxford | Sanford, Gilbert de Chamerlain To The Queen Zouche, Lora La |
Sanford, Dorothy | 1646 | 1711 | Morris, Anthony | |
Sanford, Ezekiel | 20 February 1586 | 1683 | Warner, Rose | |
Sanford, Gilbert de Chamerlain To The Queen | 1170 | 1250 | Zouche, Lora La | |
Sanford, John | 1802 | 18 April 1850 | Fielder, Eliza Ann | |
Sanford, Martha A. | August 1828 | Green, John H. |