
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Nelsen. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Nelsen, Harold Nels 2 August 1918 18 April 1993   Nielsen, Amos Herman Larsen, Laura Bathilde
Nelsen, Howard James 26 August 1924 15 May 1987 Lusk, Marjorie “Margie” Ann Nielsen, Amos Herman Larsen, Laura Bathilde
Nelsen, [Living]     Smith, [Living]  
Nelsen, [Living]       Nelsen, [Living] Smith, [Living]
Nelsen, [Living]     Biffar, [Living], Cahill, [Living] Nelsen, [Living] Smith, [Living]
Nelsen, [Living]     Menke, [Living] Nelsen, [Living] Smith, [Living]