
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hoyt. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hoyt, Baby Boy 26 September 1921 26 September 1921   Hoyt, Clyde Frank Newburn, Violet Belle
Hoyt, Baby Girl 14 July 1922 14 July 1922   Hoyt, Clyde Frank Newburn, Violet Belle
Hoyt, Clyde Frank 24 May 1886 8 August 1957 Newburn, Violet Belle  
Hoyt, Frank 28 July 1913 23 May 1919   Hoyt, Clyde Frank Newburn, Violet Belle
Hoyt, James Louis 24 October 1941 23 January 1994   Hoyt, Walter Russell Slife, Nadine Lucille
Hoyt, Olive Belle 14 November 1923 1 December 1979 Hugelman, Willard James Hoyt, Clyde Frank Newburn, Violet Belle
Hoyt, Walter Russell 15 September 1918 31 October 1977 Slife, Nadine Lucille Hoyt, Clyde Frank Newburn, Violet Belle