
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Peek. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Peek, Billy Joe 11 August 1933 6 November 2007 Peek, James Thomas Green, Lessie Onedia
Peek, Dorothy Ester Louise 6 November 1926 19 August 2006 Phillips, Cader L., Harris, James Owen Peek, James Thomas Green, Lessie Onedia
Peek, James Thomas 7 February 1900 20 April 1954 Green, Lessie Onedia  
Peek, Martha Frances 27 July 1928 5 August 2008 Crow, Harold Morris, Connor, Oswald T Peek, James Thomas Green, Lessie Onedia
Peek, Melvin Thomas 18 May 1930 10 May 2008   Peek, James Thomas Green, Lessie Onedia
Peek, Nancie Ann 19 October 1888 3 August 1965 Crow, William Glen  
Peek, Sarah Ann 21 October 1854 26 September 1922 Morris, Elmer, Wilkinson, William Warner  
Peek, Vesta Viola 4 November 1894 1 July 1986 Hyatt, James Pleas  
Peek, [Living]       Peek, James Thomas Green, Lessie Onedia