
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Rector. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Rector, Amanda 2 October 1841 29 June 1904 Jewell, William David, Morehead, John W. Rector, Frederick J. Claypool, Lucenda Jane
Rector, Benjamin Ona 18 February 1795 21 August 1871 Shell, Lilly Ann Rector, Lewis Butler, Sarah
Rector, Charlotte 1762 15 September 1834 Butler, Thomas A. Rector, Jacob Preston, Jane
Rector, Charlotte Elizabeth “Lottie” 30 January 1812 27 June 1854 Claypoole, John Whitten Rector, John Josiah Butler, Mary A. "Polly"
Rector, Effie Deen 20 September 1870 14 September 1949 Gammon, Joseph Allison  
Rector, Elizabeth 1772 1798 Drinkard, Dancy Rector, Jacob Preston, Jane
Rector, Elizabeth Jane February 1843 24 July 1890 Rogers, Henry Harrison  
Rector, Frederick J. 22 November 1815 28 February 1843 Claypool, Lucenda Jane Rector, John Josiah Butler, Mary A. "Polly"
Rector, Jacob 5 October 1747 22 November 1779 Preston, Jane Rector, John Johannes Fishback, Anna Catherine
Rector, Jacob 1794 1872 Peak, Mary Jemima Rector, Lewis Butler, Sarah
Rector, Jacob W. 1803 1823 Evans, Elizabeth Rector, John Josiah Butler, Mary A. "Polly"
Rector, Jane Whitten 1800 1845 Crow, James Rector, John Josiah Butler, Mary A. "Polly"
Rector, John Johannes 1 December 1711 11 March 1773 Fishback, Anna Catherine  
Rector, John Josiah 1778 January 1856 Butler, Mary A. “Polly” Rector, Jacob Preston, Jane
Rector, Julia 1845     Rector, Frederick J. Claypool, Lucenda Jane
Rector, Lewis 1765 1830 Butler, Sarah Rector, Jacob Preston, Jane
Rector, Lorenzo 1843     Rector, Frederick J. Claypool, Lucenda Jane
Rector, Martin 1768 11 March 1832 Martin, Sarah, Burnett, Betsy Rector, Jacob Preston, Jane
Rector, Mary 12 January 1826 7 April 1875 Adair, Elisha Milton  
Rector, Nancy 1796     Rector, Lewis Butler, Sarah
Rector, Powatan 1826 1850   Rector, John Josiah Butler, Mary A. "Polly"
Rector, Rebecca 1777 19 February 1860 Boley, John Rector, Jacob Preston, Jane
Rector, Rebecca 1805   Howard, Charles Rector, John Josiah Butler, Mary A. "Polly"
Rector, Sally 1766 1789   Rector, Jacob Preston, Jane
Rector, Sarah Ann 4 February 1840 19 July 1877 Phillips, Sidney S. Rector, Frederick J. Claypool, Lucenda Jane
Rector, Sarah B. 13 July 1798 19 April 1880 Whitten, Josiah Rector, John Josiah Butler, Mary A. "Polly"
Rector, Stephen Claypool 15 January 1838 9 March 1929 Martin, Ann Maria, Rector, Frederick J. Claypool, Lucenda Jane
Rector, William Alexander 15 December 1809 3 November 1880 Potter, Mary Ann Rector, John Josiah Butler, Mary A. "Polly"